101 Golden Rules of Birding: Wiles, Wit, and Wisdom from a Life-Long Birder

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Author: Marcus Schneck

ISBN-10: 1435115910

ISBN-13: 9781435115910

Category: Birds - Habitats & Behaviors

Birding is a hobby that sometimes pleases, sometimes frustrates, but always enthralls. Its nuances can take a lifetime to unravel, and 101 Golden Rules of Birding is the perfect companion for that journey—by turns fun and wise, frivolous and fascinating. Not only does this book include anecdotes that will bring a knowing smile to any birder’s face, it also provides valuable tips, hints, and lessons.

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Birding is a hobby that sometimes pleases, sometimes frustrates, but always enthralls. Its nuances can take a lifetime to unravel, and 101 Golden Rules of Birding is the perfect companion for that journey—by turns fun and wise, frivolous and fascinating. Not only does this book include anecdotes that will bring a knowing smile to any birder’s face, it also provides valuable tips, hints, and lessons.