300 Three Minute Games: Quick and Easy Activities for 2-5 Year Olds

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Author: Jackie Silberg

ISBN-10: 0876591829

ISBN-13: 9780876591826

Category: Rhyming games

While waiting in a doctor's office, riding in a car, or sitting in a restuarant, a parent or teacher can turn to any page in this book and find creative, enjoyable games to have fun with children and teach them important skills, too.

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Filled with quick and easy games to delight, amaze and teach young children important skills. Children's Literature Written by a veteran early childhood author and lecturer, this is an interesting mix of games, songs and activities for young children. Everything from bath games to games for waiting is included,all minimally accompanied by black and white illustrations. A perfect gift for the first-time mom or dad or anyone else subject to keeping wee ones entertained and stimulated.

\ Children's Literature\ - Meredith Kiger\ Written by a veteran early childhood author and lecturer, this is an interesting mix of games, songs and activities for young children. Everything from bath games to games for waiting is included,all minimally accompanied by black and white illustrations. A perfect gift for the first-time mom or dad or anyone else subject to keeping wee ones entertained and stimulated.\ \