A Field Guide to North Atlantic Wildlife: Marine Mammals, Seabirds, Fish, and Other Sea Life

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Author: Noble S. Proctor

ISBN-10: 0300106580

ISBN-13: 9780300106589

Category: Marine Biology - General & Miscellaneous

This beautifully illustrated guide covers an unprecedented range of species that may be sighted along the coastline or offshore by the whale watcher, bird watcher, fisher, boating enthusiast, or natural history buff. Designed in a handy pocket size, the book provides concise information for identifying the invertebrates, mammals, birds, turtles, fish, sharks and rays, and even floating seaweeds and common algae that live along the Atlantic coast and offshore from North Carolina to the...

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A spectacular field guide to the many fascinating creatures of the ocean world algon the norhteaster coast of the United States and the Maritime Provinces of Canada.

Pelagic algae2Invertebrates4Sharks16Rays32Fish34Sea turtles66Seabirds72Baleen whales146Toothed whales160Seals196