A Field Guide to Warblers of North America

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Author: Kimball Garrett

ISBN-10: 0395783216

ISBN-13: 9780395783214

Category: Birds - Songbirds

The first comprehensive field guide to North American warblers describes all 60 species in detail, from field marks and vocalizations to mating habits and preferred habitats. The 32 color paintings use the unique Peterson Identification System to indicate what distinguishes one bird from another. 141 color photographs show various plumages for each species, and 60 large color maps show species' ranges.

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The first comprehensive field guide to North American warblers describes all 60 species in detail, from field marks and vocalizations to mating habits and preferred habitats. The 32 color paintings use the unique Peterson Identification System to indicate what distinguishes one bird from another. 141 color photographs show various plumages for each species, and 60 large color maps show species' ranges.

BLUE-WINGED WARBLER pl. 2 Vermivora pinus\ 4.75 in. (12 cm). This inhabitant of successional habitats in eastern North America has dramatically expanded its range to the north and northeast in the 1900s. Although the Blue-winged is very different in plumage pattern from the more northerly-breeding Golden-winged Warbler, these two species are closely related and frequently hybridize in the shifting zone where their ranges come into contact. Hybrids are discussed under Golden-winged Warbler (p. 133). The Blue- winged Warbler has a long, sharp bill and a bold, dark line through the eye in all plumages, along with white undertail coverts that contrast with the yellow underparts. The blue-gray wings with whitish wing bars and mostly extensive white in the outer three pairs of tail feathers are distinctive among warblers with plain olive upperparts and unmarked yellow underparts.\ Description Generally green above and yellow on the crown and underparts, becoming white on the undertail coverts; all plumages show a dark line through the eye and pale (usually whitish) wing bars. Age and sex differences are slight; there is little seasonal change in plumage.\ The Blue-winged is a medium-sized warbler with a moderately long tail and a rather long and sharply pointed bill; there is a strong seasonal change in bill color.

List of Plates xIntroduction 1 The Natural History of Warblers 5 How to Identify Warblers 31 How to Use This Book 34 Plates 43 species accounts Family Peucedramidae Genus Peucedramus Olive Warbler 109 Family Parulidae Genus Vermivora Bachman’s Warbler 117 Blue-winged Warbler 125 Golden-winged Warbler 133 Tennessee Warbler 145 Orange-crowned Warbler 154 Nashville Warbler 166 Virginia’s Warbler 174 Colima Warbler 180 Lucy’s Warbler 185 Genus Parula Crescent-chested Warbler 190 Northern Parula 195 Tropical Parula 204 Genus Dendroica Yellow Warbler 210 Chestnut-sided Warbler 232 Magnolia Warbler 240 Cape May Warbler 248 Black-throated Blue Warbler 257 Yellow-rumped Warbler 267 Black-throated Gray Warbler 282 Golden-cheeked Warbler 291 Black-throated Green Warbler 298 Townsend’s Warbler 307 Hermit Warbler 316 Yellow-throated Warbler 325 Grace’s Warbler 334 Pine Warbler 340 Kirtland’s Warbler 349 Prairie Warbler 356 Palm Warbler 366 Bay-breasted Warbler 375 Blackpoll Warbler 383 Blackburnian Warbler 392 Cerulean Warbler 401 Genus Mniotilta Black-and-white Warbler 411 Genus Setophaga American Redstart 418 Genus Protonotaria Prothonotary Warbler 427 Genus Helmitheros Worm-eating Warbler 435 Genus Limnothlypis Swainson’s Warbler 442 Genus Seiurus Ovenbird 448 Northern Waterthrush 457 Louisiana Waterthrush 468 Genus Oporornis Kentucky Warbler 475 Connecticut Warbler 484 Mourning Warbler 493 MacGillivray’s Warbler 502 Genus Geothlypis Common Yellowthroat 512 Belding’s Yellowthroat 525 Bahama Yellowthroat 529 Gray-crowned Yellowthroat 535 Genus Wilsonia Hooded Warbler 541 Wilson’s Warbler 549 Canada Warbler 560 Genus Cardellina Red-faced Warbler 568 Genus Myioborus Painted Redstart 573 Slate-throated Redstart 579 Genus Euthlypis Fan-tailed Warbler 584 Genus Basileuterus Golden-crowned Warbler 589 Rufous-capped Warbler 593 Genus Icteria Yellow-breasted Chat 598Acknowledgments 611 Glossary 618 Bibliography 623 References 626 Index 654