A Guy's Guide To Pregnancy

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Author: Frank Mungeam

ISBN-10: 1885223757

ISBN-13: 9781885223753

Category: Women's Health - General & Miscellaneous

Every day, four thousand American men become first-time dads. There are literally hundreds of pregnancy guidebooks aimed at women, but guys rarely rate more than a footnote. A Guy's Guide to Pregnancy is the first book to explain in "guy terms" the changes that happen to a guy's partner and their relationship during pregnancy, using a humorous yet insightful approach.\ Future fathers will find out what to expect when they enter the "Pregnancy Zone." They'll discover the right and wrong...

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Every day, four thousand American men become first-time dads. There are literally hundreds of pregnancy guidebooks aimed at women, but guys rarely rate more than a footnote. A Guy's Guide to Pregnancy is the first book to explain in "guy terms" the changes that happen to a guy's partner and their relationship during pregnancy, using a humorous yet insightful approach.Future fathers will find out what to expect when they enter the "Pregnancy Zone." They'll discover the right and wrong answers to Trick Questions like "Do I look fat?" They'll also learn baby-shower etiquette ("It's sooo cute!"), the truth about sex during pregnancy (yes, you can touch her) and Boys' Night Out (negotiate it), plus delivery room dos (stay upright) and don'ts (complain about missing the big game).A Guy's Guide to Pregnancy is designed to be guy-friendly -- approachable in appearance as well as content and length. It is divided into forty brisk chapters, one for each week of the pregnancy.Frank Mungeam is the executive producer of local programs at the ABC-TV affiliate in Portland, Oregon, supervising the Emmy-nominated daily live talk show AM Northwest and the series Parenting in the 90's. Mungeam combines his years of expertise as a communicator and his personal experiences as an expectant dad to create a humorous yet helpful guide for guys.

STARTING OUT 1. Making Babies 2. You're Going To Be A Dad! 3. The Pregnancy Zone 4. Prego Lingo 5. Reading Her Book SYMPTOMS 6. Physical Symptoms 7. MOODY? WHO are you calling MOODY? 8. Sympathy Pains (NO, you're not pregnant) LOOKING GOOD, FEELING GOOD 9. "Do I Look Fat?" and other TRICK QUESTIONS 10. Weight Gain and Clothes Gain ("I have NOTHING to wear!") 11. Breasts (Yes, they ARE bigger) 12. Sex ("Is it allowed? Will it hurt?") LET'S GET MEDICAL 13. Birthing Options 14. Visiting the Doctor 15. Hearing the Heart Beat 16. Abstain or Indulge: The Drinking Dilemma 17. The Dreaded Dad-Nag GETTING ALONG 18. What Women Really Want 19. Helping With Household Chores (For the first time?) 20. Tossing And Turning 21. Boys' Night IN 22. Mother-In-Laws 23. Will I Be A Good Dad? GETTING READY 24. The Baby's Room ("Is it DONE Yet?") 25. The Name Game 26. Fitting In at the Baby Shower 27. Official Baby Stuff (You never heard of but must have) HOME STRETCH 28. Birthing Class 29. "Give me DRUGS!" 30. Scary Moments 31. "Honey, We Need to Talk" 32. To Beepor Not To Beep DELIVERY DAY 33. What to Bring 34. Will I Faint? 35. Lights, Camera...DELIVERY! 36. The Delivery 37. The Gift GOING HOME 38. The First Week 39. Sex Again! ("How long do I have to wait?") 40. Having More Kids