A Historical Atlas of Afghanistan

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Author: Amy Romano

ISBN-10: 0823938638

ISBN-13: 9780823938636

Category: Historical Reference

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\ School Library JournalGr 5-9-These well-written, unbiased accounts focus on the political history of the countries as determined by geography and religion from their beginnings to the present day. The three nations share a history of invasions by the Greek, Roman, and Mongol Empires, and have faced problems in modern times with the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States. Internal conflicts involving warring factions and religions have also plagued them. Brief descriptions of the art and architecture of each country testify to the richness of these cultures. Color illustrations, maps, and photographs provide needed points of reference for clarification of complicated and unfamiliar information. These well-organized and ambitious books provide needed information about these countries, but the discussions about the early conquerors and the many unfamiliar names may confuse and overwhelm some students.-Lana Miles, Duchesne Academy, Houston, TX Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.\ \