A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Auschwitz as a Young Boy

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Author: Thomas Buergenthal

ISBN-10: 0316043400

ISBN-13: 9780316043403

Category: Holocaust Biographies

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Thomas Buergenthal was not quite six years old when he and his parents were forced into a Jewish ghetto in Poland. Four years later, they were placed on a train bound for Auschwitz, where Thomas was separated from his family. Alone, ten-year-old Thomas managed by his wits and some remarkable strokes of luck to survive Auschwitz and the infamous death march.Filled with the stirring and true insights of a child, this acclaimed memoir conveys the sheer force of will and determination that even the youngest victims of the Holocaust evinced. From teaching himself to ride a bike belonging to an SS officer to sneaking a heavenly sip of milk, Buergenthal demonstrates that beauty can abide in the face of the greatest adversity. A Lucky Child is a compelling reminder of the power of grace and the resilience of the human spirit. The Washington Post - Nora Krug Buergenthal's…plainspoken autobiography demonstrates that it is still possible for a Holocaust memoir to astonish…Though [his] ultimate fate is known from the start…the book still manages to conjure up suspense as Buergenthal escapes one near-death moment after another.

Foreword Elie Wiesel xiPreface xvChapter 1 From Lubochna to Poland 3Chapter 2 Katowice 26Chapter 3 The Ghetto of Kielce 38Chapter 4 Auschwitz 64Chapter 5 The Auschwitz Death Transport 87Chapter 6 Liberation 98Chapter 7 Into the Polish Army 115Chapter 8 Waiting to Be Found 131Chapter 9 A New Beginning 150Chapter 10 Life in Germany 161Chapter 11 To America 193Epilogue 207Acknowledgments 227Reading Group Guide 231