A Season in Hell and Other Works/Une saison en enfer et oeuvres diverses

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Author: Arthur Rimbaud

ISBN-10: 0486430871

ISBN-13: 9780486430874

Category: French poetry -> 19th century

This excellently translated collection of witty, sarcastic, and expressive works includes the complete version of Rimbaud's autobiographical A Season in Hell, his entire Illuminations, a large selection of early verse poems, and "The Drunken Boat," considered by many to be his masterpiece.

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This excellently translated collection of witty, sarcastic, and expressive works includes the complete version of Rimbaud's autobiographical A Season in Hell, his entire Illuminations, a large selection of early verse poems, and "The Drunken Boat," considered by many to be his masterpiece.

IntroductionviiUne saison en enfer / A Season in Hell"Jadis, si je me souviens bien" / "In the past, if my memory serves me"Mauvais sang / Bad BloodNuit de l'enfer / Hell's NightDelires I: Vierge folle / Deliriums I: Foolish VirginDelires II: Alchimie du verbe / Deliriums II: Alchemy of SpeechL'impossible / The ImpossibleL'eclair / The Lightning FlashMatin / MorningAdieu / FarewellIlluminations / IlluminationsApres le deluge / After the FloodEnfance / ChildhoodConte / TaleParade / Outside ShowAntique / An AntiquityBeing Beauteous / Being Beauteous"O la face cendree ..." / "Oh, the ashen face ..."Vies / LivesDepart / DepartureRoyaute / RoyaltyA une raison / To a ReasonMatinee d'ivresse / Morning of IntoxicationPhrases / Sentences[Fragments] / [Fragments]Ouvriers / WorkmenLes ponts / The BridgesVille / CityOrnieres / Wagon TracksVilles (II) / Cities (II)Vagabonds / VagabondsVilles (I) / Cities (I)Veillees / EveningsMystique / MysticalAube / DawnFleurs / FlowersNocturne vulgaire / Cheap NocturneMarine / SeascapeFete d'hiver / Winter HolidayAngoisse / AnguishMetropolitain / MetropolitanBarbare / BarbarousSolde / Clearance SaleFairy / FairyGuerre / WarJeunesse / YouthIDimanche / SundayIISonnet / SonnetIIIVingt ans / At TwentyIVPromontoire / PromontoryScenes / Theatrical ScenesSoir historique / Historic EveningBottom / BottomH / HMouvement / MovementDevotion / Devout PrayerDemocratie / DemocracyGenie / Guardian SpiritPoesies choisies / Selected Poems in VerseLes etrennes des orphelins / The Orphans' New Year GiftsSensation / SensationSoleil et chair / Sun and FleshOphelie / OpheliaA la musique / To MusicVenus anadyomene / Venus AnadyomeneLes effares / The Awestruck ChildrenRoman / Romantic NovelReve pour l'hiver / Dreamed-of for the WinterLe dormeur du val / The Sleeper in the ValeAu Cabaret-Vert / At the "Green Tavern"La maline / The Sly MinxLe buffet / The SideboardMa Boheme / My BohemiaLes corbeaux / The CrowsLes assis / The SedentaryTete de faune / Faun's HeadOraison du soir / Evening PrayerMes petites amoureuses / My Little SweetheartsAccroupissements / SquattingsLes poetes de sept ans / The Seven-Year-Old PoetsLes pauvres a l'eglise / The Poor in ChurchLe coeur vole / The Stolen HeartLes mains de Jeanne-Marie / The Hands of Jeanne-MarieVoyelles / VowelsLes premieres Communions / First CommunionLes chercheuses de poux / Women Searching for LiceLe bateau ivre / The Drunken BoatLarme / A TearLa riviere de Cassis / The Stream of CassisComedie de la soif / Comedy of ThirstBonne pensee du matin / Kind Thought for the MorningBannieres de mai / Banners of MayChanson de la plus haute tour / Song of the Highest TowerL'eternite / EternityAge d'or / Golden AgeJeune menage / Young Couple"Plates-bandes d'amarantes ..." / "Flower Beds of Amaranth ...""Est-elle almee?..." / "Is She an Almeh?..."Fetes de la faim / Feasts of Hunger"Qu'est-ce pour nous, mon coeur ..." / "What Are They to Us, My Heart ...""Entends comme brame ..." / "Hear How It Bellows ..."Michel et Christine / Michel and ChristineHonte / ShameMemoire / Memory"O saisons, o chateaux ..." / "O Seasons, O Castles ..."Alphabetical List of French Titles of Verse Poems209Alphabetical List of French First Lines of Verse Poems211