A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge

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Author: George Berkeley

ISBN-10: 0198751613

ISBN-13: 9780198751618

Category: European & American Philosophy

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In this exceptional work Berkeley makes the striking claim that physical things consist of nothing but ideas and therefore do not exist outside the mind. This claim establishes him as the founder of the idealist tradition in philosophy. The text printed in this volume is the 1734 edition of the Principles, which represents Berkeley's mature thought. Also included are four important letters between George Berkeley and Samuel Johnson, written between 1729 and 1730, an analysis of the Principles, and a glossary.

How to Use this Book3Editor's Introduction51Preamble52Berkeley's Life63The Target (or, What Berkeley didn't Believe)114Berkeley's Metaphysical Picture145What Happens in the Principles?176The Arguments of Principles [actual symbol not reproducible]207Berkeley's Attack on the Doctrine of Abstract Ideas288Abstract Ideas in the Principles349The Existence of God3710Physical Reality4111Scepticism4512Berkeley and the Progress of Science5013The Nature of Spirits5414Berkeley's Intellectual Antecedents5815The Berkeley-Johnson Correspondence67The Text Printed in this Edition70Bibliography and Further Reading72Analysis of the Principles76A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge85The Berkeley-Johnson Correspondence163Glossary189Notes to the Principles194Notes to the Berkeley-Johnson Correspondence218Index229