An Uncommon Lectionary: A Companion to Common Lectionaries

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Author: John Beverley Butcher

ISBN-10: 0944344917

ISBN-13: 9780944344910

Category: Apocryphal books

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For the first time ever, the revolutionary Uncommon Lectionary provides readings from gospels outside the New Testament Thomas, Peter, Mary (Magdalene), the Sayings Gospel Q and from other early church documents such as the Didache, the Secret Book of James, and the Odes of Solomon. Designed to complement and supplement common lectionaries, it will help priests, pastors, and liturgical leaders introduce modern listeners to the message of Jesus as it was understood and experienced in all its variety by his earliest followers. In addition to the full texts of readings, An Uncommon Lectionary includes an Introduction, notes and commentary, a table of moveable days, a chart of readings, and extended glossary of texts and terms, and an index of scripture.

PrefaceIntroduction1Epiphany13Lent37Holy Week55Easter75Pentecost95Pre-Christmas169Christmas199Eucharistic Prayers221Prayers235Table of Moveable Days239Chart of Readings240Abbreviations243Glossary244Index of Scripture251