Angel's Night before Christmas (the Night before Christmas Series)

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Author: Sue Carabine

ISBN-10: 1586850873

ISBN-13: 9781586850876

Category: Christmas -> Poetry

Santa finds a special Angel to help those in need on Christmas Eve.

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Santa finds a special Angel to help those in need on Christmas Eve.

'Twas the night before Christmas in one little town, And though Santa was planning to go there, he frowned.\ He had known for a while about folks there in need, And of other who wanted to do a good deed.\ But to bring them together would be quite a task. He'd need help; then he thought of a person he'd ask.\ She was a sweet angel, had helped Nick out before, A long time ago--he would ask her once more.\ He thought of the street's decorations and manger, Then silently summoned the beautiful angel.