As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me: The Extraordinary True Story of One Man's Escape from a Siberian Labor Camp and His 3-Year Trek to Freedom

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Author: Josef M. Bauer

ISBN-10: 1602392366

ISBN-13: 9781602392366

Category: World War II Narratives

Reminiscent of Slavomir Rawicz's classic The Long Walk, an amazing narrative of escape and survival.\ \ In 1944, German paratrooper Clemens Forell was captured by the Soviets and sentenced to twenty-five years of labor in a Siberian lead mine. In the Gulags, this was virtually a death sentence. Driven to desperation by the brutality of the prison camp, he staged a daring escape. For the next three years, Forell traveled 8,000 miles in barren, frozen wilderness, haunted by blizzards, wolves,...

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Reminiscent of Slavomir Rawicz's classic The Long Walk, an amazing narrative of escape and survival.