Asma y Alergias Infantiles

from $0.00

Author: Nicolas C. Possi

ISBN-10: 9507684050

ISBN-13: 9789507684050

Category: Allergies

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\ CriticasArgentine health experts Graciani, Pena, and Possi have put together three slim, accessible guides on children's maladies and allergies, Alzheimer's disease, and asthma. Part of the "Salud para Todos" ("Health for All") series, the guides teach parents and other members of the patient's family about basic symptoms and treatment choices, and offer advice on coping with the illness. In Las enfermedades infantiles, Graciani introduces readers to fever and other common symptoms in sick children, answers such practical questions as when to keep a child home from school, and provides a handy vaccination calendar. She then covers the most common maladies, from dermatitis and diarrhea to contagious diseases like chickenpox and mumps. Although Graciani stresses the importance of consulting a professional when dealing with youngsters, she also offers useful home remedies for minor conditions under "Grandma's Advice." Pena's El mal de alzheimer introduces Alzheimer's disease, which occurs much more frequently in Hispanics than whites, to the patient's family. With illustrations and summary boxes, Pena explains the origins of the disease, how it affects the nervous system, and the different phases the patient goes through. In an honest tone, Pena describes the patient's mental deterioration and prepares the family for uncomfortable situations that may result when the patient stops recognizing relatives or needs assistance with personal hygiene. In Asma y alergias infantiles, Possi explains asthma and its emotional aspects, as well as the role parents, doctors, and teachers can play, followed by a constructive FAQ section. Possi dedicates the second part of the book to the different types of allergiesand their symptoms. These guides are an invaluable resource to Spanish speakers of all backgrounds looking for an introduction to these diseases without medical jargon. The entire series is highly recommended for public libraries and bookstores. \ —Carmen Ospina, "Criticas" Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.\ \