Basic & Clinical Biostatistics: Fourth Edition

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Author: Beth Dawson

ISBN-10: 0071410171

ISBN-13: 9780071410175

Category: Biology - General & Miscellaneous

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The ideal way to develop sound judgment about data applicable to clinical care. *First choice of students, educators, and practitioners*A thorough, meaningful, and interesting presentation of biostatistics*Helps students become informed users and consumers of biostatistics" ... Readers may 'learn' and then 'do' immediately ... I learned a lot from this book."—Online review of the Third EditionLearn to evaluate and apply statistics in medicine, medical research, and all health-related fields.*Emphasis on the basics of biostatistics and epidemiology and the clinical applications in evidence-based medicine and decision-making methods*NEW chapter on survey research*Expanded discussion of logistic regression, the Cox model, and other multivariate statistical methods*Key Concepts in each chapter pinpoint essential information*Presenting Problems drawn from studies in the medical literature that illustrate the various statistical methods*CD-ROM with NCSS statistical software, procedures, and data sets from the presenting problems *End-of-chapter exercises*Multiple-choice final practice examBeth Dawson, PhD, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, ILRobert G. Trapp, MD, Springfield, IL

PrefaceAcknowledgmentsUsing the CD-ROM1Introduction to medical research12Study designs in medical research73Summarizing data & presenting data in tables & graphs234Probability & related topics for making inferences about data615Research questions about one group936Research questions about two separate or independent groups1347Research questions about means in three or more groups1628Research questions about relationships among variables1909Analyzing research questions about survival22110Statistical methods for multiple variables24511Survey research28012Methods of evidence-based medicine and decision analysis30213Reading the medical literature332App. A: Tables362App. B: Answers to exercises372App. C: Flowcharts for relating research questions to statistical methods398Glossary403References415Index423