Bates' Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking

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Author: Lynn S. Bickley

ISBN-10: 0781780667

ISBN-13: 9780781780667

Category: Clinical Medicine

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This concise pocket-sized guide presents the classic Bates approach to physical examination and history taking in a quick-reference outline format. The book features a beautiful full-color art program and an easy-to-follow two-column format with step-by-step examination techniques on the left and abnormalities with differential diagnoses on the right.This edition's health promotion sections have been extensively updated and expanded in all chapters. Detailed information on pain assessment is now included in the general survey, vital signs, and pain chapter. A new chapter presents assessment of mental health status and behavior to encompass the psychosocial dimensions of care. Judson C. Jones This is a concise, portable, and easy to carry guide to physical examination and history taking. The previous edition was published in 1995. This book is to be used as a reference for review and recall of a comprehensive list of key elements in physical examination and history taking. The editors give readers a concise and convenient guide for review, as well as a reference for special techniques or maneuvers in the art and history of physical assessment. Due to the fundamental nature of the text, it can be used by essentially any medical provider. It is intended, however, as a guide for recall and review and not as a primary instructional guide for the novice. With this edition, a change in editor is made. Dr. Bickley is an associate professor of medicine and neuropsychiatry. Techniques and maneuvers necessary for proper history taking and physical examination are provided. These are presented in a well-organized format with a discussion of each body system in succession. There are sections on the adult and pediatric patient. A chapter entitled ""Aids to Interpretation"" is extremely well organized and useful in use of tables, charts, photographs, and illustrations to address specific topics in physical assessment. This is a remarkably concise text, given the breadth of the topic and the portable size of the book. It is a worthy reference for the student in need of review to reinforce proper technique for common procedures, as well as for the seasoned practitioner in need of reference for a specific maneuver or technique. This third edition contains material on health promotion, aging, and sports medicine not found in previous editions.

Ch. 1Overview of physical examination and history taking1Ch. 2Interviewing and the health history17Ch. 3Clinical reasoning, assessment, and plan36Ch. 4Beginning the physical examination : general survey and vital signs50Ch. 5The skin, hair, and nails71Ch. 6The head and neck89Ch. 7The thorax and lungs121Ch. 8The cardiovascular system145Ch. 9The breasts and axillae167Ch. 10The abdomen178Ch. 11The male genitalia and hernias202Ch. 12The female genitalia215Ch. 13The anus, rectum, and prostate233Ch. 14The peripheral vascular system240Ch. 15The musculoskeletal system250Ch. 16The nervous system : mental status and behavior287Ch. 17The nervous system : cranial nerves, motor system, sensory system, and reflexes303Ch. 18Assessing children : infancy through adolescence337Ch. 19The pregnant woman386Ch. 20The older adult401