Beyond the Grave (The 39 Clues Series #4)

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Author: Jude Watson

ISBN-10: 0545138655

ISBN-13: 9780545138659

Category: Adventure -> Interactive stories -> Children's fiction

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A Clue found in Japan has Amy and Dan jetting off to Egypt to find out just what's behind the fierce rivalry between the Tomas and Ekaterina branches of the Cahill family. Was a Clue stolen from the Tomas branch? Where is it now? And most important, can Amy and Dan get their hands on it before their rivals do? It's a wild race that will take Amy and Dan deep down into the tombs of Egypt . . . and right into the hands of the enemy. VOYAThe fourth book in The 39 Clues series finds Dan and Amy Cahill in Cairo. This time the pair befriends a young Egyptian expert and an elderly friend of their deceased grandmother— both new acquaintances provide history and guidance in search of the clues that lead to a source of power. The search for a missing statue with hints to the latest clue lead Dan and Amy on a hunt through the city as they encounter ancient maps, hidden rooms, historical statues, and dusty tombs. Irina Spasky, a former KGB operative and a relative to Dan and Amy, is the pair's family rival in this book. With help from their resourceful au pair and hidden messages from their grandmother, the two close in on the current clue as recent friends and family members continue to sabotage and double cross them along the way. The over the top action and improbable escapes that fans have come to expect continue in Watson's contribution. Series followers may be more entertained by this book than the third as Watson adds more characterization, making the two main characters a bit more dynamic and adding a little more depth to the brother and sister. Yet the adventure and escapes in the previous books are in full display here. A crocodile chase, a submarine ride and wreck, trapped in tombs, hidden clues, scheming bad guys, and ancient history each play a part. Most series readers will be entertained, but some may begin to lose any suspense that the two are in any real danger as they always seem to know exactly the right thing to do and always seem to escape at just the right moment. Never the less the books will continue to engage many middle grade readers. Reviewer: Jeff Mann