Bisexual Men in Culture and Society

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Author: Brett Beemyn

ISBN-10: 1560231491

ISBN-13: 9781560231493

Category: General & Miscellaneous Literary Criticism

Gain a fresh perspective on this misunderstood sexual orientation!\ From invisible to pathological, the literary, cultural, and theoretical representations of male bisexuality have been almost uniformly negative. Bisexual Men in Culture and Society provides a clear, rational analysis of the negative stereotypes and the underlying reasons for them.\ ”The bisexual is the brutal father, the abusive husband, the violent rapist (all familiar figures of male heterosexual power), but he is also the...

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Appearing simultaneously as Journal of Bisexuality volume 2, number 1 (2002), this book considers the literary, cultural, and theoretical representations of male bisexuality. It deconstructs the negative stereotypes surrounding bisexuality and analyzes the underlying reasons for them. The precarious social position of bisexual men is addressed, and the representations of bisexuality in cultural and political discourse are examined in terms of race, sex, and gender politics. Annotation © Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

About the ContributorsIntroduction1In Dialogue: Problems and Opportunities in Together Alone's Visions of Queer Masculinities9Bisexual Dilemma: Closets All the Way Down37Bisexuals Who Kill: Hollywood's Bisexual Crimewave, 1985-199839"To Say Yes to Life": Sexual and Gender Fluidity in James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room and Another Country55Invisible Lives: Addressing Black Male Bisexuality in the Novels of E. Lynn Harris73How Many People Can I Love at One Time? A Lot!91"Ethically Questionable?": Popular Media Reports on Bisexual Men and AIDS93Index113