Boys and Girls Together: Improving Gender Relationships in K-6 Classrooms (Small Books Series)

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Author: Tamara Grogan

ISBN-10: 1892989123

ISBN-13: 9781892989123

Category: Elementary Education

Have you ever wished that boys and girls could get along better in the classroom? Work together more productively? Be more friendly and respectful towards each other? Boys and Girls Together presents ten practical strategies from classroom teachers for bridging the classroom gender gap.\ \ Includes strategies for:\ raising teachers' awareness of their current classroom gender climate;\ managing the classroom to that boys and girls have opportunities to work, talk, and play together in a safe...

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Have you ever wished that boys and girls could get along better in the classroom? Work together more productively? Be more friendly and respectful towards each other? Boys and Girls Together presents ten practical strategies from classroom teachers for bridging the classroom gender gap. Includes strategies for: raising teachers' awareness of their current classroom gender climate; managing the classroom to that boys and girls have opportunities to work, talk, and play together in a safe environment; evaluating and supplementing curriculum materials to ensure greater gender balance; structuring lunch and recess so that boys and girls can talk and play together safely outside the classroom.

Strategy 1Know your students11Strategy 2Know yourself20Strategy 3Provide a safe classroom climate27Strategy 4Give boys and girls opportunities to work and play together41Strategy 5Facilitate inclusive conversations51Strategy 6Provide balance in the reading library63Strategy 7Find ways to supplement textbooks74Strategy 8Pay attention to what's on the walls and shelves79Strategy 9Structure lunch to bring boys and girls together85Strategy 10Provide opportunities for girls and boys to play together safely at recess95Creating a place where children can care about each other105