Burnt Offerings

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Author: Timothy Liu

ISBN-10: 1556591047

ISBN-13: 9781556591044

Category: Erotic Poetry

Poetry. "Timothy Liu's poems are characterized by a unique mixture of the profane and the spiritual, and of the brutal and the tender. I admire their clarity and their sure art. A few of them, ' Thoreau,' 'Sunday,' 'Manifest Destiny,' 'Survivors,' are masterful "-Gerald Stern.

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Invocation3Echoes7Thoreau10The Size of It11Reading Whitman in a Toilet Stall12Highway 614Wellfleet15Chatham16Winter17Forty-Percent Chance of Rain18With Chaos in Each Kiss21Ikon37Sunday38The Road to Seder39In the Outhouse40Rest Stop, Highway 9141White Moths42The Marriage43I Came44Brueghel45Celan46Manifest Destiny49A Grave50Nude Figure Dancing in the Foreground51Survivors52Men Without53Poem54She Smashes Dishes55Apostasy56Naked57Across the River67Benediction68