Camino Oral

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Author: Richard V. Teschner

ISBN-10: 0073655201

ISBN-13: 9780073655208

Category: Linguistics & Semiotics

Camino oral offers third and fourth year Spanish students a clear, concise introduction to the sounds of Spanish, how they are produced, and the dialectical variations that occur around the Spanish-speaking world. Written entirely in Spanish, Camino oral is appropriate for both native and non-native speakers. The text introduces new material in the context of information students already know and offers abundant practice. A student audiotape (or audio CD), packaged with each book provides...

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Camino oral offers third and fourth year Spanish students a clear, concise introduction to the sounds of Spanish, how they are produced, and the dialectical variations that occur around the Spanish-speaking world. Written entirely in Spanish, Camino oral is appropriate for both native and non-native speakers. The text introduces new material in the context of information students already know and offers abundant practice. A student audiotape (or audio CD), packaged with each book provides examples and additional practice.

1. De la ortografía a la pronunciación2. Problemas ortográficos y soluciones prácticas3. El silabeo y la acentuación4. El aparato fonador y la fonética: Modos de articulación y puntos de articulación de vocales, consonanates y deslizadas5. La fonología: Los fonemas y sus respectivos alófonos6. La Sinalefa. El ritmo silábico. La línea melódica7. Cómo mejorar su propria pronunciación: Aplicación y prácticar de todo lo anterior8. Los procesos dialectales