Careers for Scholars & Other Deep Thinkers

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Author: Blythe Camenson

ISBN-10: 0071493166

ISBN-13: 9780071493161

Category: Careers & Employment - Vocational Guidance

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Careers for Scholars and Other Deep Thinkers lets career explorers look at the job market through the unique lens of their own interests. The book reveals dozens of ways to pursue a passion and make a living--including many little-known but delightful careers that will surprise readers. KLIATT For those just beginning to think about careers, or brainstorming ideas about a career change, this series offers an interest-based approach. For those who possess a sharp mind, the title on geniuses describes careers in biology, medicine, agriculture, the physical sciences, invention, engineering, computer science and math, music, and art. It describes what various specialists do, with profiles of different practitioners and information on the education and training required, earnings, and organizations to contact for further information. The Homebodies title tells about options for those interested in a home-based business such as home-based franchises, consulting and freelancing, and communications and design specialists, with profiles of individuals and lists of resources, including magazines and Web sites, for more information. The Scholars title looks at jobs in such fields as anthropology, library science, archeology, psychology, and animal behaviorism, while the Animal Lovers book offers ideas for working in shelters, as a vet or an animal trainer, conserving wildlife, and more. The authors of these new additions to an ongoing series are professional career writers (and one interviews another in the book on homebodies!), but the lengthy quotes from people working in the fields described help to give a good sense of the different professions. The books are brief and easy to read, and they offer an interesting way to start thinking about possible career paths. For schools and public libraries. KLIATT Codes: JSA—Recommended for junior and senior high school students, advanced students, and adults. 2000, NTC/Contemporary Publishing/VGM Career Books, 152p, 00-38189, 22cm,$12.95. Ages 13 to adult. Reviewer: Paula Rohrlick; January 2001 (Vol. 35 No. 1)

Acknowledgments     ixStudying the Options     1College and University Professors     7Librarians and Archivists     21Social Scientists     41Archaeologists     55Psychologists     67Museum Curators     87Botanical Specialists     105Animal Behaviorists     119Researchers, Writers, and Genealogists     129Professional Associations     143