Censorship: The Threat to Silence Talk Radio

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Author: Brian Jennings

ISBN-10: 1439172897

ISBN-13: 9781439172896

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

Freedom of speech. It is our most cherished privilege as Americans, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution since 1791.\ But our current presidential administration threatens to sharply curtail or silence altogether the freedom of expression that distinguishes America from the average dictatorship. What is under direct attack? Conservative talk radio.\ During the Reagan administration, conservative talk radio burgeoned when the FCC voted to stop enforcing the Fairness...

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A look inside the fairness doctrine and its impact on politics and free speech in American talk radio.

\ From the Publisher"Brian Jennings' long and fruitful career in radio gives him an excellent vantage point on what can really happen to free speech on the radio if we're not careful. Censorship is his call to action!" — Rush Limbaugh\ "A must read for everyone who values the First Amendment." — Mark R. Levin, nationally syndicated radio host and New York Times bestselling author of Liberty and Tyranny\ "Brian Jennings' book correctly chronicles how my father, President Reagan, felt about the Fairness Doctrine. The book is a testament to free speech and if the President were here today, he would read and endorse this book." — Michael Reagan\ "Brian Jennings eloquently explains how whatever you consume, in whatever medium, is none of Big Brother's business. Although the government may stay away from this book, you should not." — Alan Colmes\ "Brian Jennings knows what the badly named Fairness Doctrine would do to stop the flow of information and the free exchange of opinions talk radio offers as the most successful and prolific format on radio in America. Censorship exposes the real danger that our representative form of government faces if selfish members of that same government succeed in effectively outlawing talk radio as we know it today." — Lars Larson, The Lars Larson Show, KXL Radio, Portland, Oregon\ "Brian Jennings' excellent book shines a contemporary light via his frontline experience in talk radio on yet the latest assault on our society's most valuable treasure — freedom of speech." — Michael Harrison, publisher, Talkers magazine\ \ \