Choosing to Change

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Author: Sharon A. Steele

ISBN-10: 0830721312

ISBN-13: 9780830721313

Category: Personal growth and renewal -> Bible study guides

Discover how the Holy Spirit can renew your mind and help you live every day of your life as Jesus would have.  Choosing to Change is a practical, insightful guide filled with strategies and steps to help you overcome rejection, guilt, fear, worry, and discouragement.  Drawing upon Scripture, prayer, and the examples set by Christ, this book will inspire your heart with Gods Word and change the way you think, act, and feel about yourself and others.\  \  

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Discover how the Holy Spirit can renew your mind and help you live every day of your life as Jesus would have. Choosing to Chonge is a practical, insightful guide filled with strategies and steps to help you overcome rejection, guilt, fear, worry and discouragement. Drawing upon Scripture, prayer and the examples set by Jesus, this book will inspire your heart with God's Word and change the way you think, act and feel about yourself and others. "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Foreword4Introduction5How to Start and Lead a Small Group7Chapter 1The Problem and the Potential: The Need for Renewed Minds9Chapter 2Step One: Draw Near to God--Connect to the Power Source19Chapter 3Step Two: Use God's Word--Our Instruction Manual27Chapter 4Step Three: Think on Good Things--Input Valid Data35Chapter 5Step Four: Get Rid of Wrong Thoughts--Debug the Program43Chapter 6Overcoming Rejection and Guilt53Chapter 7Overcoming Fear and Worry61Chapter 8Overcoming Discouragement71Chapter 9Overcoming Disobedience81