Civil Juries and the Politics of Reform

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Author: Stephen Daniels

ISBN-10: 0810111217

ISBN-13: 9780810111219

Category: Jury

Stephen Daniels and Joanne Martin have analyzed patterns in jury verdicts in a number of substantive legal areas, including medical malpractice, products liability, and punitive damages, against the background of the larger political and academic debate over tort reform. Civil Juries and the Politics of Reform brings together and summarizes the authors' extensive empirical research on civil jury verdicts in the context of that debate. Some commentators are arguing that there is a substantial...

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Stephen Daniels and Joanne Martin have analyzed patterns in jury verdicts in a number of substantive legal areas, including medical malpractice, products liability, and punitive damages, against the background of the larger political and academic debate over tort reform. Civil Juries and the Politics of Reform brings together and summarizes the authors' extensive empirical research on civil jury verdicts in the context of that debate. Some commentators are arguing that there is a substantial gap between the image of juries and civil justice that is driving tort reform and what is known of the reality of the civil justice system. The authors use their discussion of juries not simply to help inform the policy debate but to analyze tort reform as a public policy issue for what it tells about the policy process itself.

Preface1Juries and the Politics of Reform12The Public Policy Process and the Importance of Agenda Setting: The Case of Civil Justice Reform293Civil Juries: An Empirical Mapping604Medical Malpractice925Products Liability1526Punitive Damages1997Juries and Civil Justice Reform: Politics, Policy, and Knowledge244Notes259Index306