Climates and Weather Explained: An Introduction from a Southern Perspective

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Author: Bart Geerts

ISBN-10: 0415125197

ISBN-13: 9780415125192

Category: Climatology

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Climates and Weather Explained is a comprehensive introduction to the study of the atmosphere integrating climatology and meteorology. Clear explanations of basic principles, concepts and processes are supported by a wealth of highly informative illustrations and a vast array of case studies demonstrating the relevance of weather and climate to everyday life. Focusing particularly on the Southern hemisphere the authors provide fresh insights into topical environmental concerns from global warming and natural hazards to sustainable global population. The textbook is supplemented by a unique interactive Student CD-ROM containing entirely additional material, for practical work and more advanced study. Closely related to each chapter of the book, the Student CD-ROM features:• Over 170 extra 'Notes', 40 illustrations and tables.• Multiple choice, self-assessment and practical exercises.• Extended glossary and key word searching • Hypertext presentation and extensive cross-referencing• A gallery of meteorological photographs in full colour A special Instructors' Resource Pack is also available containing an additional Instuctors'CD-ROM. For further information visit: website address here

Preface1The Atmosphere32Radiation253Temperature504Evaporation765Energy Balances936Humidity1097Atmospheric Instability1278Clouds1469Cloud Processes17010Precipitation19211Oceans21912Global Winds24313Synoptic-Scale Winds27114Local Winds29515Weather and Climate Change32116Southern Climates34817Acknowledgements387List of Plates395List of Figures396List of Tables404List of Notes406List of Abbreviations412Bibliography414Index422