Coaching Salespeople into Sales Champions: A Tactical Playbook for Managers and Executives

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Author: Keith Rosen

ISBN-10: 0470142510

ISBN-13: 9780470142516

Category: Employees - Training

Sales training doesn’t develop sales champions. Managers do.  The secret to developing a team of high performers isn’t more training but better coaching.  When managers effectively coach their people around best practices, core competencies and the inner game of coaching that develops the champion attitude, it makes your training stick.  With Keith Rosen’s coaching methodology and proven L.E.A.D.S. Coaching Framework™ used by the world’s top organizations, you’ll get your sales and...

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Coaching Salespeople into Sales Champions is the ultimate guide to maximizing team productivity through executive sales coaching. Between professional deadlines and other business responsibilities, most sales managers can?t find the time to develop their sales staff. This book shows you how to develop your own executive sales coaching skills so you can boost sales efficiency, train your staff to better performance, and hire and retain top sales talent.

About the Author     xiiiAcknowledgments     xvIntroduction     xviiThe Death of Management     1Becoming an Executive Sales Coach     1But I'm Already Coaching ...     3Making the Shift from Sales Manager to Executive Sales Coach     3The Missing Discipline of Sales Coaching     5Defining the Role of a Sales Coach     6A Coach versus a Mentor     7Nine Barriers to Coaching a Sales Team     8Consultant, Trainer, or Coach?     12Managers Don't Have Time to Manage     15Understanding the Commitment to Coach Your Sales Team     17Get a Coach for the Coach     19Five Core Characteristics of the World's Greatest Sales Coaches     21The Coach's Mindset: Six Universal Principles of Masterful Coaching     25Management's Eternal Conundrum     26Hitting Rock Bottom     27You Can't Coach What You Fear     29The Strong, Fearful Leader     30Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 1: Make Fear Your Ally     32Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 2: Be Present     36Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 3: Detach from theOutcome     41Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 4: Become Process Driven     45Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 5: Be Creative     49Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 6: Become Fully Accountable-for Everything     50The Top 19 Excuses Managers Use to Justify Why Salespeople Fail     51Six Fatal Coaching Mistakes and How to Avoid Them     55Coach the Relationship with Their Story     56Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 1: Believing the S.C.A.M.M.-A Manager's Most Elusive Adversary     57Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 2: Wanting More for others than They Want for Themselves     63Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 3: Are You Coaching Your Salespeople or Judging Them?     68Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 4: Coaching Isn't about the Coach     70Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 5: Share Ideas, Not Expectations     71Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 6: Mismanaging Expectations: Are You Preparing Your Sales Team for Change?     73Tactical Coaching     77Who Do You Coach?     77A.G.R.O.W.T.H. Success Indicator to Determine Personal Coachability     78Don't Coach the Squeaker     80Coaching the Whole Person     80Developing Sales Champions from the Inside Out      81What Do You Coach? Coach the Gap     82Do I Coach Them or Train Them?     84What Exactly Can You Coach?     88The Top 10 Characteristics of Highly Effective Salespeople     89The Seven Types of Sales Managers     91The Seven Ps     91The Problem-Solving Manager     93The Question is the Answer     97Solution-Oriented Questions     98Ignition On! Now They're Inspired     101The Pitchfork Manager     101Push versus Pull-A Simple Model of Motivation     103Let Your Salespeople Tell You What Motivates Them     104Ask Your Salespeople How They Want to be Coached     106Motivate through Pleasure Rather than Consequence     107Communicate from Abundance Rather than From Scarcity     108Make Acknowledgment Unconditional, Measurable, and Specific     110Make Your People Right, Even When They're Not     113Create New Opportunities Rather than Make People Wrong     116Assumptive Coaching and Dangerous Listening     119The Pontificating Manager     119Eight Barriers That Prevent Masterful Listening     121Listening Through Filters-A Manager's Lethal Weakness      122Just the Facts, Please     125Encourage Silence     125Focus More on the Message Than on the Messenger     126Listening to Someone or Listening for Something     127Make People Feel They Are Being Heard     129The Presumptuous Manager     131Don't Believe Everything You Tell Yourself     132Get Out of Your Way and Out of Your Head     133Be Curious     140Vulnerability-Based Leadership     143The Perfect Manager     143Express Your Authenticity: Become Vulnerable     146Embrace Your Humanity     147Evidence of an Emerging Culture     148Vulnerability and Trust     149The Passive Manager     151Embrace Healthy Conflict     153Call Them Out Using the Coaching Edge     153Take a Stand for Your Salespeople     154Declare What You Really Want for Your Sales Team     156The "I'm Sensing That" Statement     158The Proactive Manager     161A View from the Sidelines     162Facilitating an Effective Coaching Conversation     169Preparing for the Coaching Session     169The Anatomy of a Coaching Session     170The Coaching Prep Form     171Strategic Coaching Questions     175The L.E.A.D.S. Coaching Model     176The Management Conversation     179The Coaching Conversation     183Going Deeper-Breakthrough Coaching     191How Much Coaching is Enough?     203The Art of Enrollment     207It's All about Connection     207Making an Impact     210Leaving Your Legacy as a Manager     211The Art of Enrollment     212Enrollment is a Universal Phenomenon     214Creating the Possibility for Change     215The Six Steps of an Enrollment Conversation     216Case Study: Enrolling Someone to Improve their Quality of Work     218Case Study: Enrolling Someone to Become More Accountable     222The Written Word: Crafting a Compelling Message     226The Seduction of Potential     233Potential is the Holy Grail     233The Seduction Begins: The Ether of Potential     235The Hard Cost of Complacency     236You Can't Build a Business on Potential     237When to Give up and Let Go      239Master the Art of Abandonment     240The Top Trigger Points of Seduction     241Develop an Internal Coaching Program     243Identifying a Turnaround Opportunity     244Holding Your People Accountable     248Week One: Introducing the Turnaround Strategy-An Enrollment Conversation     248Week Two: A Minor Setback or Imminent Failure     252Week Three: On The Winner's Path     257Week Four: A Successful Turnaround     264Designing an Executive Sales Coaching Program     266How to Turn Around or Terminate an Underperformer in Less than 30 Days     270Fire Them and Then Hire Them     277Tips from the Coaches' Playbook     278Conclusion     279Final Thoughts on Being an Executive Sales Coach     279Appendix     283The Playbook of Questions for Sales Coaches     283The 80-20 Rule on Coaching Questions     313Index     315