Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church: Reclaiming the Spirit of Jesus

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Author: Geoffrey Robinson

ISBN-10: 0814618650

ISBN-13: 9780814618653

Category: Clergy - Roman Catholic

Drawing on his own experience in responding to abuse, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson in this explosive work methodically offers a critique of the church's use and misuse of power, from the pope proclaiming infallibly down to the preacher claiming a divine authority for every word spoken from the pulpit.\ Going back to the Bible and, above all, to the teaching of Jesus, he presents an approach to sexual morality that is profound, compassionate, and people-centered. He stresses the priority of the...

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Drawing on his own experience in responding to abuse, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson in this explosive work methodically offers a critique of the church's use and misuse of power, from the pope proclaiming infallibly down to the preacher claiming a divine authority for every word spoken from the pulpit.Going back to the Bible and, above all, to the teaching of Jesus, he presents an approach to sexual morality that is profound, compassionate, and people-centered. He stresses the priority of the hierarchy of holiness over the hierarchy of power.He offers nothing less than a vision for a church of the third millennium-a church that wants to see in its members the responsibility appropriate to adults rather than the obedience appropriate to children and wants to help all people to grow to become all they are capable of being. You will love or hate this book but not be able to remain neutral.

Foreword     1Introduction     7The More Immediate Causes of Abuse     9The Wider Focus of this Book     19A Personal History     20Healthy People in a Healthy Relationship with a Healthy God     25A Healthy God     26Healthy People     30A Healthy Relationship     40Meditation     45The Two Books of God     49The Bible     50The World Around and Within Us     57Meditation     61Spiritual Discernment     65Tradition     65The Tool of Discernment     73Meditation     75An Eternal Plan, a Sharing of Life and the Reign of God     77God's Eternal Plan     77A Sharing of Life     78The Reign of God     79The Church     80Meditation     84'Like His Brothers and Sisters in Every Respect'     87The Knowledge of Jesus     88'Notification on the Works of Fr. Jon Sobrino S.J.'     93Meditation     96In Service of God's People     99The Bible     99What Has Been Handed On to Us     105The Present Situation     116Learning From the World Around Us     129Meditation     132The Authority of 'the Church'     137A Peter-Figure     139The Middle Level     144The Faith of the Whole Church     145Meditation     149Free and Responsible     153The Bible     153Religious Liberty     158Conscience     158Assisting Conscience     164Meditation     172A Turbulence and a Whirlpool     175The Bible     177What Has Been Handed on to Us     193Meditation     195The Return to an Original Sexual Ethic     201Origins of Current Catholic Teaching     201An Ethic Based on Persons     204The Major Questions     210Meditation     214A Dark Grace, a Severe Mercy     217Spiritual Harm and Spiritual Healing     217Forgiveness     220A New Assignment to Ministry?     225Meditation     231The Prison of the Past      235The Freedom to be Wrong     235Truths Essential to Identity     237One Authority Changing Another     241Particular Issues     250The Certainty of Faith     258Meditation     260A Government in which All Participate     265Three Levels of Government     265The First Level: The Peter-Figure     268The Second Level: The Bishops     271The Third Level: The Mind of the Whole Church     282Meditation     287A Change of Heart and Mind     289Accountability and Professionalism     290The Laity: Citizens or Civilians?     293Renewing the Theological Conversation     296Putting Our Own House in Order     297A Church in the World     300Conclusion     302Meditation     304