Contemplative Bible Reading: Experiencing God Through Scripture

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Author: Richard Peace

ISBN-10: 1576831086

ISBN-13: 9781576831083

Category: Bible -> Study and teaching

This study guide will help you learn to hear God's voice as you explore different Bible passages and meditate and act on the truth of the Bible.\ • Personal study between meetings\ • 8 lessons

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A NEW WAY TO READ THE BIBLE. Reading the Bible is something with which most of us are familiar. Some even do it regularly. But do we really think about how we read and respond to Scripture? How deeply do we allow ourselves to be impacted by it? Contemplative Bible reading (or lectio divina, as it is often called) is an ancient method of approaching Scripture. Consisting of four parts, this method begins with the selected biblical passage and moves to meditating, praying, and contemplating what God is revealing through the Bible. Many of us tend to think of meditation as something done individually, but reflecting on Scripture in a small group invites us to act and encourages us to share with others how God is calling us to respond. Contemplative Bible Reading examines this spiritual discipline and invites you to approach the Scripture in a new and challenging way. By exploring different passages and learning to hear God's voice in them, this guide will help you meditate and act on the truth of the Bible.

How to Use This Guide Session One: Longing for God-Bible Study Session Two: Longing for God-Lectio Exercise Session Three: The Call of Jesus-Bible Study Session Four: The Call of Jesus-Lectio Exercise Session Five: The Cost of Discipleship-Bible Study Session Six: The Cost of Discipleship-Lectio Exercise Session Seven: The Priorities of Life-Bible Study Session Eight: The Priorities of Life-Lectio Exercise Session Nine: The Courage of Faith-Bible Study Session Ten: The Courage of Faith-Lectio Exercise Leader's Notes