Countdown to Creative Writing: Step by Step Approach to Writing Techniques for 7-12 Years

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Author: Stephen Bowkett

ISBN-10: 0415468558

ISBN-13: 9780415468558

Category: Elementary Education

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Developing children's writing abilities boosts their confidence, creates enjoyment and relevance in the task and cultivates a range of decision-making and problem-solving skills that can then be applied across the curriculum. The Countdown series provides all the support you need in helping children to improve their prose, poetry and non-fiction writing. Countdown to Creative Writing is a comprehensive and flexible resource that you can use in different ways:60 stand-alone modules that cover all the essential aspects of writing a storycountdown flowchart providing an overview showing how modules are linked and how teachers can progress through them with the children photocopiable activity sheets for each module that show how to make the decisions and solve the problems that all writers face along the road from first idea to finished piece of work teachers' notes for each module with tips and guidance including how modules could be used as stand-alone units, but also with suggestions for useful links between modules, and curriculum links a self-study component so that children can make their own progress through the materials, giving young writers a sense of independence in thinking about their work 'headers' for each module showing where along the 'countdown path' you are at that point. In short Countdown to Creative Writing saves valuable planning time and gives you all the flexibility you need - teachers might want to utilise either the self-study or 'countdown' aspects of the book, or simply dip into it for individual lesson activities to fit in with their own programmes of work.

Overview: How to use the book 1Getting started 3A few tips 7Good writing habits 10A writer's rights 13What is a story? 15Having ideas 16Ideas for a reason 20Plot bank 24Plot, characters and background 27Inspiration 31All of your senses 33Metaphors 35'Sounds as it says' 39The structure of a story 43Forms 46Diary 49Play format 51Letters, texts and other ideas 56Basic narrative elements 59Sub-elements 62Tips on planning 67The six big important questions 70Narrative lines 75Genre 80Fantasy 87Science fiction 92Horror 96Crime/thriller 100Romance 105Animal adventures 109Further ideas for genre 111Audience and purpose 113Characters 116Names 119SF and fantasy names 121Picture a person 123A bagful of games 125Character ticklist 127Personality profile 129Settings 130Visualizations 134Map making 138Place names 141Titles 143Word grid 145Mix and match 146Getting ready to write: part 1 148Timespan 150Pace 153Flashbacks 156Story arcs 158Story path 160Getting ready to write: part 2 163Length of story 165Economy of language 168Connectives 170Person 174Style 179Strong start and finish 182Presentation 185A writer's responsibilities 188In the mood for writing 189Review 191Bibliography 193Index 195