Critique of Pure Reason

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Author: Immanuel Kant

ISBN-10: 0521657296

ISBN-13: 9780521657297

Category: General & Miscellaneous Philosophy

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The most accurate and informative English translation ever produced of this epochal philosophical text. Kenneth R. Winkle Eric Watkins has done a fine job of abridging the Critique to a manageable size while preserving those sections most often assigned in a survey course, including enough of the Analytic to provide a continuous argument. Students will get a good sense of the whole from the parts he includes. I recommend it enthusiastically.

Title Page of First Edition (in replica)1Title Page of Second Edition (not in replica)3Motto4Dedication5Preface to First Edition7Preface to Second Edition17Table of Contents of First Edition39Introduction41ITranscendental Doctrine of ElementsFirst PtTranscendental Aesthetic65Second PtTranscendental Logic92First DivisionTranscendental Analytic102Second DivisionTranscendental Dialectic297IITranscendental Doctrine of MethodIndex671