Crystals, Crosses and Chakras: A Woman's Mystical Emergence

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Author: Wilma Wake

ISBN-10: 0877853916

ISBN-13: 9780877853916

Category: New Church (Swedenborgians)

Wilma Wake recounts her own remarkable transformation as she followed her inner voice over the last three decades. Rejecting her parents' traditional Christianity, moving through Eastern and New Age philosophies, and now embracing a relationship with the Divine that stresses social commitment, Wake reflects the longings and confusions that are part of growing to spiritual maturity. A car crash in 1972 left Wake in constant pain, pain that led her to yoga and breathing exercises. Deep,...

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With frankness and insight, Wilma Wake records her spiritual journey through Eastern, New Age, and Swedenborgian philosophies. She explores the confusions that attend growing to spiritual maturity and reveals how discovering a kinship with those who came before her helped her discover a spirituality that stresses social commitment.