Discourse on Method: And Meditations on the First Philosophy (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading)

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Author: Rene Descartes

ISBN-10: 0760756023

ISBN-13: 9780760756027

Category: European & American Philosophy

About the Author\ René Descartes was born in La Haye, known today as La Haye-Descartes in 1596. After studying classical literature, history, rhetoric, and philosophy at the collège des Jésuites de la Flèche, he obtained his law degree from the University of Poitiers. In 1618, he enrolled in the Dutch army commanded by the prince Maurice of Nassau. Upon invitation by Queen Christina of Sweden, Descartes moved to Sweden in 1649 in order to tutor her in philosophy. Shortly thereafter he became...

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The fundamental proposition "Cogito ergo sum -- I think, therefore I am" remains the most-cited phrase of the well-known French philosopher René Descartes. Descartes is recognized as the foremost philosopher of his age, and his writings greatly influenced such philosophers as Hegel, Sartre, Spinoza, Leibniz, Malbranche, and Locke. \\ \\ Descartes was the founder of analytical geometry and is greatly appreciated for his mathematical and other scientific contributions. He wrote treatises on dioptrics, meteorology, and geometry. While his writings were critiqued widely by the theologians of his time, they had a major influence on science. \\