Eat Prey Love

Mass Market Paperback
from $0.00

Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

ISBN-10: 0061958034

ISBN-13: 9780061958038

Category: Paranormal & Fantastic Romance

Wanted: Bride. Must love children. Mortals need not apply.\ \ Carlos Panterra is looking for a mate, a woman who will love and care for the young orphans he's recently taken under his wing (or paw, as the case may be). When the shape shifter spies the beautiful Caitlyn, it's like sunshine amidst the darkness. At last, he's found the perfect woman, except . . .\ Caitlyn Whelan is mortal. Worse, her father is the head of a CIA agency bent on hunting the undead. Still, Caitlyn knows that Carlos...

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Wanted Bride. Must love children. Mortals need not apply. Carlos Panterra is looking for a mate, a woman who will love and care for the young orphans he's recently taken ...BiographyKerrelyn Sparks's first paranormal romance, How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire, flew out of the bat cave in 2005 and survived three weeks on the USA Today Bestseller list. In 2006, Vamps and the City became the second book in the Love At Stake series. Kerrelyn lives in the Greater Houston area with her husband and brilliant children. At this time, there are no vampires in her family. Werewolves are another matter entirely.