Ecoholic: Your Guide to the Most Environmentally Friendly Information, Products, and Services

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Author: Adria Vasil

ISBN-10: 0393334287

ISBN-13: 9780393334289

Category: Sustainable living

“This book is for people who want to do something to lighten their impact on the planet.” —David Suzuki\ Ecoholic is an eye-opening guide to separating the green from the greenwashed in the maze of products lining our shelves. Unlike other eco guidebooks, Ecoholic names names and gives you the dirt on what not to buy and why, as well as the dish on great clothes, beauty products, home supplies, and more.\ We all know that the earth is in trouble, but we’re often left scratching our heads over...

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“This book is for people who want to do something to lighten their impact on the planet.” —David Suzuki

Introduction VIBathroom Confidential 1What Not to Wear 29Green's Anatomy 49Food for Thought 69No Kidding Around 123Homeward Bound 161Home Improvement 221Outer Space 251I Get Around 271It's All Fun and Games (Until Someone Loses a Planet) 295You Work Hard for Your Money (So You Better Green It Right) 313Big Issues 331Appendix: Plastics Exposed 347Glossary 351Resource Guide 359Acknowledgments 361Index 363