Educating for Wisdom and Compassion: Creating Conditions for Timeless Learning

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Author: John P. Miller

ISBN-10: 1412917034

ISBN-13: 9781412917032

Category: Education - History

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Essential principles of timeless learning include attention, contemplation, connection, participation, and responsibility; helping students achieve a sense of purpose; and improving alertness and mental health.

Part I Timeless Learning: Definitions and Fundamentals1. Timeless Learning What Is Timeless Learning? What Are the Characteristics of Timeless Learning? Holistic/Integrative Embodied Connected Soulful Transformative Flow Participatory Non-dualistic Mysterious and unexplainable Immeasurable What Does Timeless Learning Bring to Today's Classrooms? Conclusion References2. The Perennial Philosophy: A Relaxed Universalism Foundations of the Perennial Philosophy The interconnected nature of reality and the mysterious unity of the universe The intimate connection between the individual's inner self, or soul, and the mysterious unity Wisdom or knowledge of the mysterious unity can be developed through various contemplative practices Values are derived from seeing and realizing the interconnectedness of reality Awareness of the mysterious unity of existence leads to social action to counter injustice and human suffering ReferencesPart II Timeless Learning: Processes and Practices3. Letting Go and Becoming Empty Psychosynthesis and Dis-identification David Hunt Krishnamurti The Bhagavad Gita and Non-Attachment Spiritual Knowing Just Let Go References4. Attention and Meditation Meditation Forms of Meditation Intellectual Meditation Emotional Meditation Physical Meditation Action Meditation Meditation Practices Insight Body Scan Mantra Visualization Movement meditation Getting Started Meditation With Children Just One Minute by Naomi Baer References5. Compassion, Caring,and Lovingkindness Kindness, Empathy, Compassion, and Love Lovingkindness Practice Caring in Schools School with Forest and Meadow (Ojiya School) Service Learning Engaged Service Community-Based Work To Be and to Have References6. Contemplation, Mindfulness, and Presence Mindfulness Presence Contemplation and Mindfulness in Classrooms Contemplation and Action ReferencesPart III Timeless Learning: Perspectives, Examples, and Outcomes7. Educational Perspectives on Timeless Learning Transcendental Education Emerson Thoreau Bronson Alcott Holistic Education Linear Thinking and Intuition Relationship Between Mind and Body Subject Connections Community Connections Earth Connections Self Connections Slow Education Conclusion References8. Examples of Timeless Learning Krishnamurti Schools Principles of Learning The School The Teacher Waldorf Education Steiner's View of Development Rhythm Montessori Education Conclusion References9. Creating Conditions for Timeless Learning in Public Schools Work on Yourself Be Fully Present Recognize the Importance of the Nonverbal Honor Silence Develop a Rhythm Integrate Timeless Learning with other Forms of Learning Balancing Spontenaity and Planning Don't Forget the Body Live Your Own Truth Acknowledge the Mystery Let Your Humanity Come Through References10. The Fruits of Timeless Learning The Present Educational Context The Results of Timeless Learning Research on Contemplative Practices My Own Research Nature of Mediation Practice Personal Effects of Meditation Practice Professional Effects of Meditation Practice Profiles Ultimate Outcomes of Timeless Learning Wisdom and Compassion Joy: The Singing Soul Awe and Wonder Wholeness Sense of Purpose ReferencesBibliographyIndex