Ego Psychology and Social Work Practice

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Author: Eda Goldstein

ISBN-10: 0029121507

ISBN-13: 9780029121504

Category: Clinical Psychology

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AcknowledgmentsIntroductionCh. 1The Scope and Evolution of Ego Psychology3Ch. 2The Emergence and Assimilation of Ego Psychology into Social Work Practice29Ch. 3The Ego and Its Functions53Ch. 4The Ego and Its Defenses72Ch. 5Ego Mastery and the Processes of Coping and Adaptation86Ch. 6Object Relations and Ego Development113Ch. 7The Nature of Ego-Oriented Assessment143Ch. 8The Nature of Ego-Oriented Intervention166Ch. 9The Nature of the Client-Worker Relationship200Ch. 10Ego-Oriented Intervention with Diverse and Oppressed Populations230Ch. 11Ego-Oriented Intervention with Special Populations257Ch. 12The Diagnosis and Treatment of the Borderline Client289Bibliography321Author Index351Subject Index357