Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and Traditions of Ancient Egypt

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Author: Geraldine Pinch

ISBN-10: 0195170245

ISBN-13: 9780195170245

Category: Folklore & Mythology

From stories of resurrected mummies and thousand-year-old curses to powerful pharaohs and the coveted treasures of the Great Pyramids, ancient Egypt has had an unfaltering grip on the modern imagination. Now, in Egyptian Mythology, Geraldine Pinch offers a comprehensive introduction that untangles the mystery of Egyptian Myth.\ Spanning Ancient Egyptian culture—from 3200 BC to AD 400—Pinch opens a door to this hidden world and casts light on its often misunderstood belief system. She...

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Pinch (Oriental studies, Oxford U., UK) recounts the myths associated with ancient Egypt, providing insight into the connections between myth, history, and culture. The four main sections include an introduction to the culture's history and belief system; a chronology of the mythological universe; alphabetical entries covering major deities, characters, themes, rituals, and beliefs of the society in context; and an annotated bibliography. Includes a glossary. Annotation c. Book News, Inc.,Portland, OR

Chronology1Introduction1What Is a Myth?1Myth and Geography2History and the Sources of Egyptian Myth4Protodynastic (Dynasty 0) and Early Dynastic Periods (Dynasties 1-2): c. 3200-2686 B.C.E.5Old Kingdom (Dynasties 3-6) and First Intermediate Period (Dynasties 7-11): c. 2686-2055 B.C.E.8Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period (Dynasties 11-17): c. 2055-1550 B.C.E.12New Kingdom (Dynasties 18-20) and Third Intermediate Period (Dynasties 21-24): c. 1550-747 B.C.E.19Late Period and Ptolemaic Period (Dynasties 25-30 and the Ptolemies): 747-30 B.C.E.31Roman Period: 30 B.C.E.-395 C.E.40Post-Pharaonic Egypt452Mythical Time Lines57Linear Time57Cyclical Time893Deities, Themes, and Concepts99Aker99Akhet99Ammut100Amun (Amon, Ammon, Amen)100Anat (Anath, Anta)102Andjety (Anedjeti)102Anti (Anty)103Anubis (Anpu, Inpw)104Anuket (Anukis)105Apis105Apophis (Apep)106Arsaphes108Ash108Astarte (Ashtarte)108Aten (Aton)109Atum (Atem)111Baal112Babi (Baba)112Baboons113Banebdjedet (Banebdjed)114Bastet (Bast, Boubastis, Pasht)115Bat117Bata117Benu Bird (Phoenix)117Bes and Beset118Birds120Boats121Cattle123Crocodiles126Djed Pillar127Ennead of Heliopolis128Eye of Ra128Eyes of Horus131Feline Deities132Geb135Hand of Atum136Hapy (Hapi)136Hathor (Hwt-hr)137Hatmehyt139Heh Gods139Heka (Hika)139Heqet (Heqat, Hekat)139Heryshef (Arsaphes, Harsaphes)141Hippopotamus Goddesses141Horemakhet (Harmachis)143Horus (Hor)143Horus the Child (Harpokrates, Harpocrates)146Hu147Ihy148Imhotep (Imouthes)148Ipet (Opet)149Isis149Iusaas152Khentamentiu (Khentamenti)152Khenty-Khety152Khepri (Khepry, Khopri)152Khnum (Chnum)153Khonsu (Khons, Chons)155Kings and Princes156Lotus158Maat (Ma'et)159Mafdet161Magicians161Mahes (Mihos)163Mehet-Weret (Mehurit, Methyer)163Mehit (Mehyt, Mekhit)164Meretseger164Meskhenet164Min164Montu (Mont, Month)165Moon166Mut (Mout)168Nefertem (Nefertum)169Nehebkau169Neith (Neit)169Nekhbet170Nemty171Neper (Nepri)171Nephthys171Nun (Noun, Nu)172Nut (Nout)173Ogdoad of Hermopolis175Onuris (Anhur, Inhur, Inhert)177Osiris178Pakhet180Primeval Mound180Primeval Ocean181Ptah181Ra (Re, Pre)182Raet-Tawy (Raiyet)185Ra-Horakhty185Renenutet (Ernutet, Hermouthis, Thermouthis)185Satet (Satis) and Anuket (Anukis)186Sekhmet (Sakhmet)187Serqet (Serket, Selkis)189Seshat (Sechat)190Seth (Set, Sutekh)191Seven Hathors194Shai (Shay)194Shed195Shentayet195Shezmu195Shu (Schu, Chou) and Tefnut (Tefenet)195Sia and Hu (Hw)198Snakes198Sobek (Suchos)200Sokar (Soker, Sokaris)202Sons of Horus204Sopdet (Sothis)205Sopdu (Sopedu, Soped)205Sothis206Souls of Pe and Nekhen206Sphinx206Stars and Planets207Tatjenen (Tatenen)209Taweret (Tweret, Taurt, Thoeris)209Tayet209Tefnut209Thoth209Two Ladies211Wadjyt (Wadjet, Ouadjet, Uto)213Wepwawet (Upwaut)213Weret-Hekau214Wosret2144Egyptian Myth: Annotated Print and Nonprint Resources215Print Resources215Nonprint Resources224Glossary227App.: Primary Sources233Index239About the Author257