Essential Papers on Zionism

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Author: Anita Shapira

ISBN-10: 0814774490

ISBN-13: 9780814774496

Category: History - Judaism

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Zionism, more than any other social and political movement in the modern era, has completely and fundamentally altered the self-image of the Jewish people and its relations with the non- Jewish world. As the dominant expression of Jewish nationalism, Zionism revolutionized the very concept of Jewish peoplehood, taking upon itself the transformation of the Jewish people from a minority into a majority, and from a diaspora community into a territorial one. Bringing together for the first time the work of the most distinguished historians of Zionism and the Yishuv (pre-state Israeli society), many never before translated into English, this volume offers a comprehensive treatment of the history of Zionism. The contributions are diverse, examining such topics as the ideological development of the Jewish nationalist movement, Zionist trends in the Land of Israel, and relations between Jews, Arabs, and the British in Palestine. Contributors include: Jacob Katz, Shmuel Almog, Yosef Salmon, David Vital, Steven J. Zipperstein, Michael Heymann, Jonathan Frankel, George L. Berlin, Israel Oppenheim, Gershon Shaked, Joseph Heller, Hagit Lavsky, and Bernard Wasserstein. Jewish Book World The volume presents the latest scholarship in the field of Zionism and the yishuv. All articles, with one exception, were published after 1980 and include contributions by leading scholars, including the editors. The 31 pieces are divided into five areas: Origins; Diaspora and Zionism; Zionist Trends in Eretz Israel -- Ideology and Reality; The Fateful Triangle: Jews, Arabs, and the British; and Cultural Questions. This selection is intended for the researcher, the student and the reader interested in learning how Zionism created a new and different type of Jewish civilization unknown to earlier generations.

AcknowledgmentsIntroduction11The Forerunners of Zionism332People and Land in Modern Jewish Nationalism463The First Aliyah: Ideological Roots and Practical Accomplishments634Tradition and Nationalism945The Afflictions of the Jews and the Afflictions of Zionism: The Meaning and Consequences of the "Uganda" Controversy1196The Rejection of the Diaspora in Zionist Thought: Two Approaches1337Work for the Land of Israel and "Work in the Present": A Concept of Unity, a Reality of Contradiction1618Zionist Success and Zionist Failure: The Case of East Central Europe between the Wars1719Representations of Leadership (and Failure) in Russian Zionism: Picturing Leon Pinsker19110The State of the Zionist Movement on the Eve of the Sixth Congress21011Hehalutz in Poland between the Two World Wars23812Ideology and Structure in German Zionism, 1882-193326813Criteria and Conception in the Historiography of German and American Zionism29814The Americanization of Zionism, 1880-193031815The Brandeis-Weizmann Dispute33716Changes in the Social and Political Structure of the Second Aliya between 1904 and 194037117The "Yizkor" Book of 1911 - A Note on National Myths in the Second Aliya42218Social and Intellectual Origins of the Hashomer Hatzair Youth Movement, 1913-192045419The Histadrut: From Marginal Organization to "State-in-the Making"47320"Black Night - White Snow": Attitudes of the Palestinian Labor Movement to the Russian Revolution, 1917-192950921Fire and Water: Ze'ev Jabotinsky and the Revisionist Movement54422Economic Structure and National Goals - The Jewish National Home in Interwar Palestine56723The Balfour Declaration in Historical Perspective58724The Zionist Movement and the Arabs61725German Zionists and the Emergence of Brit Shalom64826Patterns of Communal Conflict in Palestine67127The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine (1945-1946): The Zionist Reaction Reconsidered68928The Emergence of a Native Hebrew Culture in Palestine, 1882-194872729The National Idea and the Revival of Hebrew74530Shall All Hopes Be Fulfilled? Genre and Anti-Genre in the Hebrew Literature of Palestine76331Native Sons790Selected Bibliography823Index827About the Editors857