Evolution: The History of an Idea

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Author: Peter J. Bowler

ISBN-10: 0520261283

ISBN-13: 9780520261280

Category: Evolution -> History

Since its original publication in 1983, Evolution: The History of an Idea has been recognized as a comprehensive and authoritative source on the development and impact of this most controversial of scientific theories. This new edition has been entirely rewritten to take account of the latest work of historians and scientists. The sequence of chapters has been reconstructed in a way that will help students and general readers to understand the key phases in the development of modern...

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The comprehensive and authoritative source on the development and impact on one of the most controversial of scientific theories.

List of Illustrations Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the First Edition1. The Idea of Evolution: Its Scope and Implications The Old Worldview and the New The Possibilities of Change The Nature of Science The Historian's Problems2. The Pre-evolutionary Worldview Human History Theories of the Earth The Meaning of Fossils Natural Theology The New Natural History The Problem of Generation3. Evolution in the Enlightenment Human Nature The Origin of Society The History of the Earth The Chain of Being The New Classification The New Theories of Generation The Materialists The First Transmutationists4. Nature and Society, 1800-1859The Invention of Progress The Framework of Science Georges Cuvier: Fossils and the History of Life Catastrophism and Natural Theology in Britain The Philosophical Naturalists Radical Science The Principle of Uniformity The Vestiges of Creation5. The Development of Darwin's Theory Darwin's Early Career The Crucial Years: 1836-1839Development of the Theory, 1840-1859Wallace and Publication of the Theory6. The Reception of Darwin's Theory The Foundations of Darwinism The Scientific Debate Darwinism and Design Human Origins Evolution and Progress7. The Eclipse of Darwinism: Scientific Evolutionism, 1875-1925Reconstructing the History of Life The Age of the Earth Neo-Lamarckism Orthogenesis Neo-Darwinism Mendelism and the Mutation Theory8. Evolution, Society, and Culture, 1875-1925The Missing Link The Origins of Culture and Society Evolution and Race Social Evolutionism Biological Determinism Neo-Lamarckism and Society Evolution and Philosophy Evolution and Religion9. The Evolutionary Synthesis Population Genetics The Modern Synthesis The Origin of Life Wider Implications of the Synthesis10. Modern Debates and Developments The History of Life Human Origins Sociobiology and Ultra-Darwinism Opponents of Ultra-Darwinism Anti-Darwinians Darwinism not Scientific?CreationismBibliography Index