Evolutionary Economics and Chaos Theory: New Directions in Technology Studies, Vol. 1

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Author: Loet Leydesdorff

ISBN-10: 0312122187

ISBN-13: 9780312122188

Category: Economic Theory & Schools of Thought

It is timely to raise the question of the relationship between evolutionary economics and chaos theory particularly within the perspective of new developments in technology. This volume covers developments in non-linear dynamics as applied to the dynamics of economic-technological systems. Contributions from sociology are incorporated into a new paradigm thus generating new and more appropriate models.

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It is timely to raise the question of the relationship between evolutionary economics and chaos theory particularly within the perspective of new developments in technology. This volume covers developments in non-linear dynamics as applied to the dynamics of economic-technological systems. Contributions from sociology are incorporated into a new paradigm thus generating new and more appropriate models.

List of ContributorsPreface1Evolutionary Complex Systems: Models of Technology Change12Economic Growth via the Coevolution of Technology and Institutions213Technological Diversity, Random Selection in a Population of Firms, and Technological Institutions of Government334A Note on Competition among Techniques in the Presence of Increasing Returns to Scale445Evolution of Technological Growth in a Model Based on Stochastic Cellular Automata556Dynamics of Competitive Technology Diffusion Through Local Network Structures: The Case of EDI Document Standards637Hyperselection and Innovation Described by a Stochastic Model of Technological Evolution798Evolutionary Dynamics in Technological Systems: A Multi-layer Niche Approach939Entrainment in a Disaggregated Economic Long-wave Model10910Managing Uncertainty in Complex Systems: Financial Markets12511Academic-Industry Relations: A Sociological Paradigm for Economic Development13912Nonequilibria Dynamics and the Sociology of Technology15213The Evolution of Technology: A Model of Socio-ecological Self-organization167Epilogue18014New Models of Technological Change: New Theories for Technology Studies?180Bibliography193Index210