Expositor's Bible Commentary: Romans-Galatians, Vol. 10

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Author: Frank E. Gaebelein

ISBN-10: 0310365201

ISBN-13: 9780310365204

Category: Corinthians, First Letter of Paul to the -> Commentaries

The Gold Medallion Award-winning Expositor's Bible Commentary is a major contribution to the study and understanding of the Scriptures. Providing pastors and Bible students with a comprehensive and scholarly tool for the exposition of the Scriptures and the teaching and proclamation of their message, this twelve-volume reference work has become a staple of seminary and college libraries and pastors' studies worldwide.\ The seventy-eight contributors come from the United States, Canada,...

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Contributors to Volume 10 are: Everett F. Harrison (Romans), W. Harold Mare (1 Corinthians), Murray J. Harris (2 Corinthians), and James Montgomery Boice (Galatians). Pulpit Workshop '...one of the greatest pieces of religious literature published in this generation. We cannot recommend it too highly.' -- Pulpit Workshop

\ Christianity Today'...a roaring success. Both form and style contribute to readability, and the scholarship is sound without being pedantic or tedious.' -- Christianity Today \ \ \ \ \ Crux'The 78 authors represent the best evangelical scholarship in the English-speaking world...a rich feast.' -- Crux \ \ \ Eternity'The author list [of the Expositor's Bible Commentary] reads like a page from a who's who of evangelical Bible scholars. A quality product. Unquestionably wise for the serious student to plan to secure each volume.' -- Eternity \ \ \ \ \ Interest'...a refreshing change from some of the major commentaries of the past...quite readable. In general the writers are concerned to help the reader understand the flow of the Bible book, rather than digressing into speculative questions with little spiritual value.' -- Interest \ \ \ \ \ Journal of the Evangelical Theological SocietyVolume 10 '[Everett F.] Harrison\\rquote s commentary [on Romans] is a model of clarity.' -- Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society \ \ \ \ \ Pulpit Workshop'...one of the greatest pieces of religious literature published in this generation. We cannot recommend it too highly.' -- Pulpit Workshop \ \ \ \ \ Southwestern Journal of Theology[Volumes 10 and 11] introduce a new, comprehensive commentary on the books of the Old and New Testament, a joint enterprise of some 78 contributors projected for 12 volumes. The format is attractive and lends itself to expository style... [Murry] Harris on 2 Corinthians rates excellent [in interpretation]. His more technical style shows careful study and provides rewarding insights. The series has the makings of a standard resource for preaching and teaching...' -- Southwestern Journal of Theology \ \ \ \ \ The Baptist Sentinel'For those needing a good commentary, you will find in this set one of the best.' -- The Baptist Sentinel \ \ \ \ \ The Evangelical Beacon'...excellent series...a valuable reference source in any evangelical pastor' s library.' -- The Evangelical Beacon \ \ \ \ \ The Expository Times'The four writers in this volume provide a sound guide to the meaning of the works with which they deal. This will be a useful volume for a minister to have on his shelves.' -- The Expository Times \ \ \ \ \ The Seminary Review'...a very helpful addition to the library of anyone interested in studying and teaching the Scriptures more effectively.' -- The Seminary Review \ \