Fishing for Catfish: The Complete Guide for Catching Big Channells, Blues and Faltheads

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ISBN-10: 0865730792

ISBN-13: 9780865730793

Category: Fishing - Specific Fish

For years, catfish have taken a backseat to more glamorous species like largemouth bass and walleyes. But times have changed. Today, nearly 10 million anglers wet a line hoping to do battle with a monster cat. Learn how to catch bigger catfish than ever before.\ This book is a comprehensive look at the world of catfish. Beginning with the biology of catfish, Author Keith Sutton then follows with the where-to and how-to information that will lead to successful fishing. Beyond locating fish and...

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For years, catfish have taken a backseat to more glamorous species like largemouth bass and walleyes. But times have changed. Today, nearly 10 million anglers wet a line hoping to do battle with a monster cat. Learn how to catch bigger catfish than ever before.This book is a comprehensive look at the world of catfish. Beginning with the biology of catfish, Author Keith Sutton then follows with the where-to and how-to information that will lead to successful fishing. Beyond locating fish and rig & tackle techniques, there's even a section on cleaning and cooking your catfish.Keith Sutton is an old hand at catfishing. His passion for the sport has taken him to blue-ribbon catfishing waters in more than 21 states. His special insights about catfishing were garnered through 35 years of on-the-water research and countless hours of discussions with biologists, researchers, and expert anglers. He is Editor of "Arkansas Wildlife" magazine, a conservation publication of the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, and a Field Editor for "In-Fisherman's Catfish In-Sier". He also is a prolific freelance writer, photographer and lecturer, well known in his native South.

Introduction4Understanding Catfish6Catfish Basics8Catfish Senses10Channel Catfish14Blue Catfish18Flathead Catfish22White Catfish26Bullheads28Other Catfish30Where to Find Catfish32Typical Catfish Waters34Small to Mid-Size Rivers36Big Rivers40Man-Made Lakes44Oxbow Lakes46Ponds48Equipment50Rods, Reels & Line52Terminal Tackle56Catfishing Rigs60Accessories64Natural Baits68Commercial Baits74Catfishing Techniques78Still-Fishing80Drift-Fishing84Trotlining88Jug Fishing92Limblining94Noodling96Special Situations98Thick Cover100Fluctuating Water Levels102Clear Water104Cold Water106Deep Water108Trophy Cats110Catfish Conservation114Cleaning & Cooking Catfish118Cleaning Catfish120Cooking Catfish123Index126