Food Safety: Old Habits, New Perspectives

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Author: Phyllis Entis

ISBN-10: 1555814174

ISBN-13: 9781555814175

Category: Food Service

Food Safety offers an intriguing, anecdotal assessment of food- and waterborne illnesses “from farm to fork.” It examines how modern technology and traditional views about food safety and food handling can affect consumer safety and it concludes that the responsibility for a safe food supply lies with a variety of people, including regulators, food producers, food handlers, and consumers. Readers will become familiar with the history and causes behind many well-known outbreaks from cholera to...

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Food Safety offers an intriguing, anecdotal assessment of food- and waterborne illnesses from farm to fork. It examines how modern technology and traditional views about food safety and food handling can affect consumer safety and it concludes that the responsibility for a safe food supply lies with a variety of people, including regulators, food producers, food handlers, and consumers. Readers will become familiar with the history and causes behind many well-known outbreaks from cholera to E. coli O157:H7 to mad cow disease.