Founding Fathers: The Essential Guide to the Men Who Made America

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Author: Encyclopaedia Britannica

ISBN-10: 0470117923

ISBN-13: 9780470117927

Category: Historical Biography - Reference

An authoritative, accessible guide to the figures who shaped a nation\ How did upstart colonists solidify the ideas celebrated in the Declaration of Independence and defeat the powerful British army? How did thinkers from disparate backgrounds shape a government that transformed modern politics? The Founding Fathers explains how, putting valuable information on this historic period at your fingertips--straight from one of the most trusted sources of information around the globe.\ This...

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An authoritative, accessible guide to the figures who shaped a nation How did upstart colonists solidify the ideas celebrated in the Declaration of Independence and defeat the powerful British army? How did thinkers from disparate backgrounds shape a government that transformed modern politics? The Founding Fathers explains how, putting valuable information on this historic period at your fingertips—straight from one of the most trusted sources of information around the globe. This comprehensive guide takes a compelling look at prominent statesmen such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and George Washington and lesser-known but influential leaders such as Samuel Chase, Charles Pinckney, and others. Alphabetized for easy reference, it also offers discussions of key issues, including slavery, the separation of powers, the presidency, and Deism and Christianity; events, such as the American Revolution, the Whiskey Rebellion, and the Louisiana Purchase; and documents, including the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Every special essay and concise entry—from "Abigail Adams" to "George Wythe"—promotes the deeper understanding of the personalities, issues, and events that only Encyclop?dia Britannica can provide. The book's balanced, fact-based coverage of the Founding Fathers is especially relevant today, when differing interpretations of their intent are used in debates over current policies. The Founding Fathers is the ideal resource for anyone looking to hone his or her knowledge of the fascinating figures who wrote the first chapter of U.S. history.

Note to the Reader     ixIntroduction   Joseph J. Ellis     1Adams, Abigail     13Adams, John     16Adams, Samuel     26Alien and Sedition Acts     29American Revolution     30Articles of Confederation     43Bill of Rights     44Blair, John     46Burr, Aaron     47Carroll, Charles     49Chase, Samuel     50Checks and Balances     51Clark, Abraham     52Constitution of the United States of America     53Continental Congress     59Dayton, Jonathan     61Declaration of Independence     62A Closer Look: The Founding Fathers and Slavery   Anthony Iaccarino     66Democratic-Republican Party     70Dickinson, John     72Federalist Papers     73Federalist Party     75Franklin, Benjamin     77French and Indian War     92Gerry, Elbridge     94Gwinnett, Button     95Hale, Nathan     96Hamilton, Alexander     96Hancock, John     106Henry, Patrick     107Hopkinson, Francis     110Intolerable Acts     111Jay, John     112Jay Treaty     114Jefferson, Thomas     115A Closer Look: The Jefferson-Hemings Paternity Debate   Joseph J. Ellis     137King, Rufus     141Lee, Richard Henry     142Livingston, Robert R.     143Louisiana Purchase     144Madison, Dolley     147Madison, James     151Marshall, John     158Mason, George     164Middleton, Arthur     166Monroe, James     166Morris, Gouverneur     173Morris, Robert     175Paine, Robert Treat     176Paine, Thomas     176A Closer Look: The Founding Fathers, Deism, and Christianity   David L. Holmes     181Paris, Treaty of     185Paterson, William     186Pinckney, Charles     187Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth     188Rodney, Caesar     189Rush, Benjamin     190Rutledge, John      192Separation of Powers     193Shays's Rebellion     194Sherman, Roger     194Stamp Act     195Townshend Acts     196Washington, George     197A Closer Look: The Presidency of the United States of America   Forrest McDonald     229Whiskey Rebellion     238Wilson, James     239Witherspoon, John     240Wolcott, Oliver     241Wythe, George     241Bibliography     243Photo Credits     259