From Exegesis to Exposition: A Practical Guide to Using Biblical Hebrew

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Author: Robert Chisholm

ISBN-10: 0801021715

ISBN-13: 9780801021718

Category: Hebrew language -> Grammar

Many seminarians suspect that their courses in Hebrew have little relevance to their current and future ministry. However, in From Exegesis to Exposition, Chisholm inspires and instructs students and pastors to use the Hebrew Bible appropriately in their preaching and teaching, showing seminarians and seminary-trained pastors how to "preach accurate, informative, and exciting sermons, rooted in the Hebrew text." (59)

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Inspires and instructs students and pastors to use the Hebrew Bible appropriately in their preaching and teaching. Includes sample sermons and lessons.

1Credibility, Competence, and Confidence: The Necessity of Using Your Hebrew Bible72Finding Help in the Right Places: Tools and Power Tools133The Most Basic Question of All: What is the Text?194Who Was Right? Alice or Humpty Dumpty?: How Words Work and Play315Getting Down to the Nuts and Bolts: Basics of Hebrew Syntax576Beyond the Sentence: The Basic Structure of Hebrew Narrative and Poetry1197Getting Beneath the Surface: Narrative and Poetry as Literature1498Pulling It All Together: An Exegetical Method Outlined and Illustrated1879Making It Contemporary: Crossing the Bridge from Exegesis to Exposition22110Why Not Give It a Try?: Some Exercises for You to Do279IndexesGeneral293Scripture296