Functional Equations and How to Solve Them

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Author: Christopher G. Small

ISBN-10: 0387345396

ISBN-13: 9780387345390

Category: Mathematical Equations - Functional

Many books have been written on the theory of functional equations, but very few help readers solve functional equations in mathematics competitions and mathematical problem solving. This book fills that gap. Each chapter includes a list of problems associated with the covered material. These vary in difficulty, with the easiest being accessible to any high school student who has read the chapter carefully. The most difficult will challenge students studying for the International Mathematical...

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Over the years, a number of books have been written on the theory of functional equations. However, very little has been published which helps readers to solve functional equations in mathematics competitions and mathematical problem solving. This book fills that gap. The student who encounters a functional equation on a mathematics contest will need to investigate solutions to the equation by finding all solutions, or by showing that all solutions have a particular property. The emphasis here will be on the development of those tools which are most useful in assigning a family of solutions to each functional equation in explicit form.At the end of each chapter, readers will find a list of problems associated with the material in that chapter. The problems vary greatly, with the easiest problems being accessible to any high school student who has read the chapter carefully. The most difficult problems will be a reasonable challenge to advanced students studying for the International Mathematical Olympiad at the high school level or the William Lowell Putnam Competition for university undergraduates. The book ends with an appendix containing topics that provide a springboard for further investigation of the concepts of limits, infinite series and continuity.

Preface     viiAn historical introduction     1Preliminary remarks     1Nicole Oresme     1Gregory of Saint-Vincent     4Augustin-Louis Cauchy     6What about calculus?     8Jean d'Alembert     9Charles Babbage     10Mathematics competitions and recreational mathematics     16A contribution from Ramanujan     21Simultaneous functional equations     24A clarification of terminology     25Existence and uniqueness of solutions     26Problems     26Functional equations with two variables     31Cauchy's equation     31Applications of Cauchy's equation     35Jensen's equation     37Linear functional equation     38Cauchy's exponential equation     38Pexider's equation     39Vincze's equation     40Cauchy's inequality     42Equations involving functions of two variables     43Euler's equation     44D'Alembert's equation     45Problems     49Functional equations with one variable     55Introduction     55Linearization     55Some basic families of equations     57A menagerie of conjugacy equations     62Finding solutions for conjugacy equations     64The Koenigs algorithm for Schroder's equation     64The Levy algorithm for Abel's equation     66An algorithm for Bottcher's equation     66Solving commutativity equations     67Generalizations of Abel's and Schroder's equations     67General properties of iterative roots     69Functional equations and nested radicals     72Problems     75Miscellaneous methods for functional equations     79Polynomial equations     79Power series methods     81Equations involving arithmetic functions     82An equation using special groups     87Problems     89Some closing heuristics     91Appendix: Hamel bases     93Hints and partial solutions to problems     97A warning to the reader     97Hints for Chapter 1     97Hints for Chapter 2     102Hints for Chapter 3     107Hints for Chapter 4      113Bibliography     123Index     125