Gender and Prisons

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Author: Dana M. Britton

ISBN-10: 0754625133

ISBN-13: 9780754625131

Category: Criminology

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1Penitence for the privileged : manhood, race, and penitentiaries in early America32Race, gender, and prison history : from the convict lease system to the supermax prison173"One female prisoner is of more trouble than twenty males" : women convicts in Illinois prisons, 1835-1896294Wretched, hatless and miserably clad : women and the inebriate reformatories from 1900-1913535Following the rules? : women's responses to incarceration, New Zealand, 1880-1920816Situating sex : prison sexual culture in the mid-twentieth-century United States997A brief history of doing time : the California Institution for Women in the 1960s and the 1990s1178Prisons that empower : neo-liberal governance in Canadian women's prisons1579Homeboys, babies, men in suits : the state and the reproduction of male dominance17910Embodied surveillance and the gendering of punishment19911Gender theory and prison sociology : using theories of masculinities to interpret the sociology of prisons for men23512Gender and prison organisation : some comments on masculinities and prison management24513Gender organizational logic : policy and practice in men's and women's prisons26314Women doing a man's job : female prison officers working in a male prison28715A man's world : gender issues in working with male sex offenders in prison30716Cat fights and gang fights : preference for work in a male-dominated organization32517Doing her own time? : women's responses to prison in the context of the old and the new penology34718Tougher than the rest? : men in prison38519Re/constructing black masculinity in prison40520Resistance and compliance in women's prisons : towards a critique of legitimacy42321Reassessing resistance : race, gender and sexuality in prison43922In the tube at San Quentin : the "secondary prisonization" of women visiting inmates455