Glory Not Dishonor: Reading John 13-21

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Author: Francis J. Moloney

ISBN-10: 1592447910

ISBN-13: 9781592447916

Category: Narration in the Bible

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Moloney's literary-historical commentary offers a close reading of the final section of the Gospel of John, taking the reader on a journey through Jesus' final night and his ministry's climax in passion, death, and resurrection. Concluding his unique trilogy, Moloney shows how the reader is led on a journey of faith by the Gospel writer, culminating in belief in Jesus the Christ and having life in his name, despite his absence.

PrefaceAbbreviationsCh. 1Making God Known: John 13:1-381Ch. 2Departure: John 14:1-3129Ch. 3To Abide, to Love, and to Be Hated: John 15:1-16:355Ch. 4Departure: John 16:4-3377Ch. 5Making God Known: John 17:1-26102Ch. 6Consummation: John 18:1-19:42127Ch. 7A Journey Completed: John 20:1-31153Ch. 8But the Journey Continues: John 21:1-25182Bibliography193Index of Authors213