God And Evolution: An Introduction

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Author: Mary Kathleen Cunningham

ISBN-10: 0415443504

ISBN-13: 9780415443500

Category: Bible and evolution

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Can we reconcile belief in God and Darwinism, divine action and an evolutionary world? Such questions are central to studies of science and religion, and these debates are hotly disputed in the interaction between evolutionary theorists and the Christian tradition. This book offers a guide to the issues, taking a non-polemical stance and reflecting the depth and complexity of the debates.Mary Kathleen Cunningham introduces the different views of the relationship of science and religion in general and the interaction of evolutionary theory and Christian theism in particular. In her opening chapters she compares the different methodologies used in the disciplines of science and religion, and examines Darwin, Darwinism, and the Neo-Darwin Synthesis, then moves on to focus on the issue of the compatibility of evolutionary theory and divine action. The volume explores challenges to Darwinism coming from creationists and adherents of Intelligent Design, as well as the thought of naturalistic critics of theism. The final chapter examines the work of diversified thinkers who attempt to get beyond the polarization of evolution and theism.Ideal for those with no previous knowledge of the field, this is the essential textbook for students exploring this fascinating topic. For those who wish to pursue their studies further, the accompanying reader, God and Evolution, features many of the writers discussed in the textbook.