Grand Eccentrics: Dayton and the Inventing of America

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Author: Mark Bernstein

ISBN-10: 1882203135

ISBN-13: 9781882203130

Category: U.S. - Political Biography

Grand Eccentrics is a group biography of a half dozen inventors, entrepreneurs and eccentrics-Orville and Wilbur Wright, Charles Kettering, John H. Patterson, Arthur Morgan, and James Cox-who explored those new possibilities. They did much to create the American 20th century that is now yielding to the rise of the electronic technologies and a global marketplace.

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Grand Eccentrics is a group biography of a half dozen inventors, entrepreneurs and eccentrics-Orville and Wilbur Wright, Charles Kettering, John H. Patterson, Arthur Morgan, and James Cox-who explored those new possibilities. They did much to create the American 20th century that is now yielding to the rise of the electronic technologies and a global marketplace.